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Eligible to buy property in Turkey

Posted by EastStar on 19 декабря, 2021

To buy a property in Turkey, the buyer must be a citizen of one of the countries allowed to buy a house in Turkey. Iranian citizens and investors are among those allowed to buy property in Turkey. The law on granting Turkish citizenship was amended in 2018.

Following these changes, the number of applicants for property in Turkey increased. Prior to the changes, more than $ 1 million worth of citizenship was purchased in Turkey. But after these changes take place, foreign investors can buy property in Turkey and obtain citizenship for $ 250,000.

All foreign individuals can buy up to 30 hectares of property in Turkey. It is noteworthy that foreigners in Turkey are not allowed to buy houses in the military and security areas of Turkey. In other areas, the buyer can only buy 10% of the land and property in those areas.

Another point is that according to the law issued by the General Directorate of Documents and the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreigners whose country shares a border with Turkey are not allowed to buy property in the border provinces of their country. For example, the provinces of Hakkari, Van, Ighdir and Aghri are forbidden to Iranians, or the city of Artvin to Georgian citizens.

Also, after buying a property in Turkey, foreign investors should not make any structures for the growth and development of the property. But after that, they can start a project within 2 years


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